Varsity Soccer Information!

September Menus!

We are now offering a fillable Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Attached are the eligibility requirements and the fillable application.
Completed forms should be emailed to kdorr@onieda-boces.org OR mailed to the school at the address below.
Richfield Springs Central School
P.O. Box 631
Richfield Springs, NY 13439

MODIFIED SPORTS STARTS TOMORROW! Girls Modified Soccer will be transported to and from ODY for practice after school. Boys Modified Soccer will practice AT Richfield after school. Make sure students are signed up through Family ID!

Dear Families,
Our school is in the final stages of implementing a new point of sale system. This includes a new online account management program- ezschoolpay.com. This website and app will allow you to monitor your students' accounts and make payments using a credit card. EZSchoolPay. This is replacing myschoolbucks.
All existing balances, PIN numbers and eligibility statuses will transfer from the old system to the new system. Families can always send a check in on the first day of school. No children will be denied a meal at any time regardless of whether or not there is money on their account.
Please remember, unless you've applied and qualified for free/reduced meals, lunch is $2.75 and Breakfast is free to all Richfield Springs students.
Thank you!

Sports schedule for today (9/3/22): Boys Varsity Soccer HOME vs Madison - 11:00AM

Sports schedule for today (9/2/22): Girls JV soccer @ Dolgeville- 4:30.

This is a reminder to families that breakfast is free to all students at Richfield Springs Schools.

Sports Schedule For Today (9/1/23): Girls Varsity Soccer @ Edmeston/Morris (Morris fields - 4:30. Boys Varsity Soccer HOME vs Edmeston/Morris 4:30

UPDATE: Students and parents may come in Thursday evening (9/1/22) between 6 and 7 PM to familiarize yourself with lockers. Mrs. Mayne will be present to assist!

UPDATE: We are cancelling tonight's locker acclimation originally scheduled from 6:00 to 7:00PM. Students may come in during school hours this week if they want to get familiar with their lockers.

Boys Varsity Soccer scrimmage vs Mount Markham!

Sports Schedule for Today (8/30/22): Boys Varsity Soccer Scrimmage HOME vs Mount Markham @ 10:00AM!

And…. They’re off! Girls JV and Varsity Soccer on their way to the first scrimmage of the season vs Mount Markham!

Sports Schedule for Today (8/29/22): Girls JV/Varsity Soccer Scrimmage @ Mount Markham - 4:00PM.

FALL SPORTS: Senior Athletes- 22-23 Girls Varsity Soccer!

FALL SPORTS: Senior Athletes - 22-23 Boys Varsity Soccer!

FALL SPORTS: Meet our 22-23 Boys Varsity Soccer Team!

STUDENT LOCKERS: This year students in 7-12 will be required to use assigned lockers (locker # and combination found on schedule). On WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31st, there will be an opportunity from 6-7 pm for students to come in and get familiar with their new lockers.

FALL SPORTS: Meet our 22-23 Girls JV and Varsity Soccer Team!