Tune in at 6 PM EST to watch the 2021 Graduation stream on: https://www.facebook.com/RichfieldCSD
A reminder for tomorrow's graduation...
Masks are still required for unvaccinated individuals, pursuant to federal CDC guidelines.
Thank you and enjoy this beautiful evening.
7th graders built paper 'stomp' rockets and launched them into the trees!
They learned about gravity, acceleration, drag and thrust - the four forces of flight!
7th grade tech students have studied bridge history and engineering and are now building their own to be tested and crushed. We will compare weight of bridge (amount of materials =$$$) and how much weight they can handle.
Check out this exciting free event happening this Saturday!
Kindergarteners perform a goodbye to kindergarten alphabet song! Watch here: https://youtu.be/76lxS9G2LBE
Engage in fun science activities throughout summer. The link below will take you to a calendar of NASA events.
A Pre-K parent meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 22nd at 6:00 p.m. in the LGI. Please make sure to bring the following paperwork with you if you have not sent it in already!
-Registration Packet
-Student Birth Certificate
-Physical/Immunization Records
-Proof of Residency
-Photo ID
-Custody Paperwork (if applicable)
A student visitation will be scheduled in August The date will follow.
Greetings Families,
Richfield Springs Central School will be providing breakfast and lunch free of charge to any child in the community 18 years of age and younger. This program will run from July 6th to July 29th. The pickup times will be Mondays & Wednesdays from 8:30 to 10:30am at the doors outside of the cafeteria.
Again this program is free of charge to any child in the community 18 years of age and younger. If you would like to sign up please email Chris Abbruzzese at:
You can also call with questions or place orders by calling 315-858-0610 extension 161
Have a great summer!
Chris Abbruzzese
RSCS Cafeteria Manager
There will be a community forum through Google Meet on Thursday at 5:30 to review the District's plan for the application of federal funding from the American Rescue Plan. This is our second opportunity for public comment. Please join Mr. Piatti @
Join by phone:
(US) +1 513-796-6408 PIN: 411 524 918#
Michel Molinaro, Adirondack District Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, presented Crosby Leinhart with a Certificate of Recognition for his heroism during a family crisis. We could not be prouder of him and his efforts. We salute you, Crosby!
Bassett SBHC is thrilled to be offering the Pfizer COVID vaccine to any student enrolled in the SBHC, 12 years and older. Students may be enrolled at any time. Pfizer is a 2 dose series.
Richfield Springs SBHC will be open this summer on Tuesday in July and several days in August. A SBHC is open every Monday through Thursday and a practitioner is available for calls or Telehealth visotsevery Friday throughout the summer. Please reach us at 315-858-0610 or 844-ALL-SBHC to schedule a visit or for more information.
Tribal Talk Jr., our elementary video announcements program, has been featured on MORIC's District Spotlight. Tune into the link below! https://youtu.be/MFwmJHYs514
Congratulations to Sydney Burdick for earning second place in this year's Liberty Bell competition! She was nominated by Mr. Busch, then wrote an essay and interviewed with the committee. As 2nd place winner, she received $250 and a certificate. We are so proud of you, Sydney!
The Liberty Bell is awarded to the student who, in the opinion of the interview committee, demonstrates a knowledge of civic, educational and community events and who, by his or her academic and extracurricular background, demonstrates a strong commitment to citizenship. To be nominated for a Liberty Bell Award, a student does not have to be considering a career in law.
Lunch Menu Change:
Thursday, June 17 - Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza
There was vandalism to our Senior Class lawn signs. We have been able to identify the vandals and have reported this to the State police. The entire campus is on camera with night vision, aiding in the investigation.
Richfield Springs Academic Athletic Awards Presentation is available at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J6e8Qn1yO6c3AHL-WVIMIgN2WMQYvPkk/view?usp=sharing
The virtual Academic & Athletic Awards Ceremony is this Friday night at 7PM. The ceremony will be pushed out on High School Happenings, the schools Facebook page and the District web page. Congratulations to our students and enjoy the show.
The Media Production Course has been featured on MORIC's District Spotlight. Tune into the link below!
Over the years the Richfield Springs Central School has held annual events to give back to the community. The annual food drive is a grades 7 through 12 level competition that provides an opportunity for students to give back to those in need. Students were asked to donate nonperishable food items, such as canned goods and more.
This year, like everything else in the world, things couldn’t function as normal. But that did not stop RSCS! Janine Shulkie and Samantha North devised a plan to create a COVID friendly event that could help the Richfield Springs Food Bank. A two-week Pre-K through 12th grade coin drive was created.
Pre-K through grade 6 conducted a coin collection, while grades 7 through 12 had a penny war. After day one of this school-wide activity over $100 was raised and by the end of the week that increased to over $600. At the beginning of the second week a challenge was brought to the faculty and staff to match what the students donated. This models the behavior we want our young people to learn as well as doubles the impact of our unannounced donation for our community. At the completion of the competition, the total student donations came to $2,362!
Mrs. Wust’s kindergarten class finished in first for the elementary competition and the Class of 2023, won the 7 through 12 penny war competition. This activity brought a different type of school unity. In addition to the students, faculty and staff donations, two local businesses joined in on the fun, Rathbun Renovations and Cooper Auto. Together, all groups generated nearly $5000 for the Richfield Springs Food Bank.
Thank you to all those who helped by donating to this competition. It is a true blessing to be part of this giving and supportive community.